And so it begins..

And so it begins..

I have begun my blogging career.. Or at least what I hope to be a career. A way to get my foot into the door of column writing and online print media.

So where do we begin..

I am an avid no.. passionate no.. diehard sports fan. Constantly watching, reading, playing (both physically and through my xbox), and surrounding myself in the sports world.  Although I never developed the talents and skill that you see on tv, what I lack in physique, I make up in a desire to get my opinions, thoughts, and knowledge of today’s sporting world.

I am a student at Missouri Southern State University, well rounded school in the small town of Joplin, Missouri. Focusing primarily on my BA in Media Communications, I plan on using this blog as a way of sharpening my writing as well as getting all these sports thoughts, stats, and figures out of my head. At last, I can put all the knowledge I learn throughout the day to good use.

Now as to what you will see on The Sporting Booth, that varies from post to post. I have three major projects on my agenda already and I am very anxious to get the ball rolling. As time moves on, my goals for this blog will remain constant: to always give insight and to be entertaining.

I know this is just the beginning, and The Sporting Booth has room for expansion, but I hope to see this blog grow both in the number of subscribers and readers, but also grow into a wider range of topics.

Thank you all, and God bless!
